Novel and inventive surgical techniques are emerging in the rapidly changing area of medicine, providing patients with a better quality of life and hope for their numerous medical ailments. SADI’s surgery is an innovative method that has garnered interest recently and is creating waves in bariatric and metabolic procedures. The leading authority on the subject, Dr. Atul J. Shah, is pioneering introducing this revolutionary surgery to his patients. We shall dig into the intriguing realm of SADI-S surgery in this blog and see how it can change people’s lives.

The standard procedure of the surgery

To decrease the stomach’s ability to hold food, the surgeon removes between 70 and 80 percent of it. As a result, the number of calories consumed significantly drops. Food is rerouted to avoid passing through much of the small intestine, which decreases the absorption of nutrients. Food can now pass straight from the stomach into the small intestine thanks to the procedure’s completion of joining the remaining segment of the small intestine to the duodenum.

Dr Atul Shah’s input on the surgery

Renowned and accomplished bariatric surgeon Dr. Atul J. Shah has made major advances in metabolic and weight-loss surgery. Dr. Shah has established himself as a reliable authority on SADI-S surgery thanks to his dedication to patient care and familiarity with the most recent developments in surgical methods. To provide his patients with the best results possible, he takes a patient-centered approach, emphasizing comprehensive examination, individualized treatment programs, and continuing support. From the very first consultation to the care related to post-operative stage, Dr. Shah and his colleagues worked closely with each patient, helping them through the full SADI-S surgery process.

Read More : What is Metabolic Syndrome in Women?

Way Ahead

SADI-S surgery is a cutting-edge technique that has the power to change the lives of those who are dealing with metabolic health problems and obesity. Bariatric surgery is a procedure that can change a patient’s life, and Dr. Atul J. Shah is a pioneer in the field. Consider choosing our services for better and more effective results.

Dr Atul Shah

Dr Atul Shah

Dr. Atul Shah is a senior Laparoscopic & GI Surgeon practicing at Ahmedabad for more than 25 years. At present he is the MEDICAL DIRECTOR, at Kaizen institute of Gastroenterology and practicing laparoscopic Bariatric and Hernia surgeon.

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