People over the age of 40 often experience gallstones. Since the stones do not produce any noticeable symptoms, the majority of people fail to discover them. Any symptom, no matter how slight, warrants investigation into possible treatment because of the risk of more severe consequences down the road. People who have gallstones may experience major complications if the stones create a significant obstruction or move to another area of the digestive system.
Inflammation of Gallbladder
When bile cannot drain normally due to a gallstone, inflammation of the gallbladder develops. The accumulation of fluid stretches the gallbladder wall and begins to irritate its lining. Constant, severe pain in the right upper abdomen, together with fever and chills, is a sign of acute inflammation. A condition called septicemia occurs when inflammation spreads to the bloodstream and, subsequently, to the entire body. Time is of the essence when dealing with septicemia.
Bile Duct Blockage or Infection
Extreme upper abdominal discomfort, fever, and jaundice can all be symptoms of bile duct inflammation, which in turn might cause liver problems.
Also Read: Will I Need to Have My Gallbladder Removed?
Pancreatic Duct Blockage and Inflammation
After leaving the pancreas, the pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct shortly before it reaches the duodenum. Blockage of the pancreatic ducts by a gallstone can trigger inflammation of the pancreas, medically known as pancreatitis. A life-threatening condition, pancreatitis is characterized by severe and persistent stomach discomfort and often necessitates hospitalization.
Gallbladder Cancer
Gallbladder cancer is more common in people who have a family history of gallstones. However, gallbladder cancer is incredibly uncommon, and the likelihood of developing this particular type of cancer is still rather low, despite the high risk of cancer in general.
Even though gallstones don’t cause any symptoms, it’s nevertheless recommended to have your gallbladder removed as a precaution if you have risk factors, including a history of gallbladder cancer in your family or excessive calcium levels within your gallbladder. A higher risk of gallbladder cancer is associated with larger stones.